Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Self Evaluation And Essay Next Step
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
New Moon Trailer- Wigley
The editing also helps anchors the audience to watch the film as the fade to black effect connotes that after the suspense create from the trailer and something is going to happen. Something bad; hence the fade to black. The trailer is full of these fade to blacks which are like cliff-hangers. This draws the audience in as they want to know what the end of the cliff-hanger is. They are left in suspense and wanting to know. Also the fade to black effect is like an away of for shadowing what will happen in the film, once again leaving the audience wanting more.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Assessed Easement: Eclipse Extract- Bush
Bella has the same type of facial expression and body language but she looks as if she in pain. She quite upset and very closed up with her hands in her pockets. The audience are connote from this she is quite weak and fragile because she is portrayed in her stance.
Another use of camera is the camera movement of the pan. This is used in the beginning of the scene. This effect allows the audience to follow the characters to the lead up to there stand still. It makes the audience feel as if they are physical walking with the characters and it shows the setting to emphasis length.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
London to Brighton-Wigley
Monday, 29 November 2010
In this extract from Fashion Fantasy we can see from the cinematographic back in those days wasn't as developed as it is today. When there is a change in scenery or just a general chance, it isn't done very smoothly. It jumps from one shot to another. However there is a variety of camera shots used, for example when the lady character is walking along the road and the over voice says "Perhaps there will be a bus passing soon" there is a long shot of her and the empty road. It is used to create irony to show that its an empty road and the bus wont be coming. Other shots it uses is Close ups and the most frequent use of the medium shot.The editing however is pretty good for the time. For example when the lady falls asleep and her ghost comes out of her, this effect is quite powerful because it is truly a realistic object in the scene that would shock the audience because they wouldn't have been used to such effects because they wouldn't be constantly used in films
The close up shot of his hands shaking had the effect of showing how emotional he is and the shaking of the hands connotes that he is either scared or cold. Both connotation are bad ones and relate to something unhappy. Also the close ups of the soldiers faces are effective as they help to show the emotions of each individual solider, we see that each one has the same sort of facial expression which connotes that they are all feeling the same, scared frightened cold, also the camera movement that is used is panning as it helps to shows the faces clearly and slowly.
Another very goo tecquinie used is there is a lot of use of point of view shots. This is effective as it allows the audience to see from the point of view from the soldiers putting them in their shoes and making them become more involved with the film and allows them to feel the experience for themselves.
This is a long shot camera angle. It allows us to see a full view of the setting and it helps to emphases the horror and scariness of the house. Its also allows us to see how grand and big the house is and this connotes that the person who owns it is quite a powerful and rich
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Film Distribution- Wigley
- Someone has an idea for a movie.
- They create an pitch and use it to promote their idea to an panel of producer.
- A studio or independent investor decides to buy rights to the film.
- A story bored is made.
- Auditions are held ad the actors are chosen to play the parts in the movie.
- Rehearsals take place.
- Setting and locations are picked or made.
- Film is started
- The finished product is sent to the editing area to be edited and if needed special effects are added.
- The film is made.
- The film is sent to a studio and they make a licensing agreement with a distribution company.
- The distribution company says how many copies of the film to make.
- The distribution company shows the movie to people who are willing to buy the movie representing the theaters.
- The buyers negotiate with the distribution company on which movies they wish to lease and the terms of the lease agreement.
- The film makers advertise the movies release.
- The movie is sent to cinemas before the release date
- A premier is held (first showing of the movie)
- The film is shown for a period of time
- We buy tickets to watch the film
- The film comes out on DVD six months late
Monday, 15 November 2010
Film Noir- Bush
The use of low key lighting connotes mystery. Its a really busy setting and background in the dark, at night which is actually quite bazaar because you would expect people to be in their homes and asleep. The dark lighting on the police officers connotes they aren't to be trusted and that the fact that no one is listening to them connotes that the police have no control over this place . At the end we see a car that been lit on fire and thrown to the ground. The lighting around this is all dark and the only light we get is from the fire that's from the car. I believe a lot of top lighting is used to because a lot shadow can be seen around the areas. This connotes a lot of mystery and secrecy
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Mise-En-Scene: Bush

Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Movie posters Evalutation and Compaersion
The tag line under the title “from the directors of the dark knight” anchors the audience in more because the film “The Dark Knight” was a really high class, top quality film so the audience know that this film would be the same type of quality.
Also at top of the poster the actors name is shown “Leonardo Dicaprio” The use of this also anchors the audience as this actor is a well known actor who has won many awards for his work, because he is one of the greatest actors of our time.
The image of the man standing alone in water connotes to us that he will be on his own through this film and that he is secretive because he doesn’t let anyone in. Also he is holding a gun; the use of the prop connotes violence and death in the film, which would link back to the connotation about the title. The fact that he is standing in water connotes that he will be “drowned” in problems. The waterlooks quite violent as well, not the normal calm still water. This relates with the whole violence theme of the film.
The image itself is quite dark. The lighting used is actually quite dark. This connotes evil and danger, so it also adds to the theme of problem. Also the darkness represents loneliness which links back to the image of the man stand alone.
However towards the back of the poster it gets light and a lot brighter. This connotes happiness and after all the problems in the beginning (The darkness was at the beginning so we assume the problem would come first) there is a solution.
Also the lighting used connotes the good and evilness in the movie. On the right hand side you have the “good guys”. We can tell this because that side is brighter than the left. Also because Peters face is in the light it connotes he is the “hero”. However on the left you have the “evil guys” We can tell this because firstly, their side is in the dark, and darkness connotes evil, dangers and frightening. Also Captain hooks expression is quite evil, with his evil smirk which connotes that he is an evil villain. Also he is right next to the pirate ship which has a pirate flag on it, and we normally associate that with evil and dark people.
The brightest part of the movie poster is in the idle this connotes that the will be a feeling of happiness and because the darkness and light connotes good and bad, there’s a sense of good trumping over evil.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Media Ownershhip Reaserch Task- Wigley
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Media Trip Notes- Bush
Why do pee talk such rubbish about media studies?
Homer simpsons- parents accuse schools of dumbing down English by showing the simpsons during class time. They are protesting against it and want children to stop learning the Simpsons in media and start to learn more Shakespeare.
Torries say that media is seen as a soft subject and most universities today do not consider it to be a worthy subject- media studies is blacklist by top universities like UCL, LSC, Oxford, Cambridge.
Media studies is accused of encouraging children from a comprehensive schools that they will do well in their other subjects and gives them false hope.
Media studies is a Mickey mouse subject.
Media studies won't get you any decent jobs.
The reality is media studies is an academic subject and is taught at some very top universities, which are quite hard to get into.
Frank leavis suggest to study media and was the one who made it into a real subject.
USA- Media gives audience bad ideas- by not teaching it, we will be saving kids from violence, tobacco, alcohol, sex and obesity.
Teaching the kids about these things will scare them into not doing it- what people believe.
Lecture two
Online media- convergenceWeb2.0- Internet let's us share
Books die out within 15 years time. People would want them around but the industry wouldn't be able to provide them because of the lack of money.
We live in a transmedia environment.
Books to read
David Gaunthett
Sonia Livingston
David Buckingham
Graemu Turner
Dan Gillmore
Read the ideas
Pick examples
Apply the reading to the examples
Weight up both sides of the debate
Develop an informed academic view
Lecture threePerfecting your work
Key words Research and planning
Blogging and evidence
Ideas and feedback
Logistic equipment and production
-Really look at real examples.
- Keep all evidence of all your research.
- Research every single convention, audience institution
- Plan for all eventualities: what could possibly go wrong.
- Recored all your planning visuals
- Show the process of you journey
- A blog allows you to link to examples
- Storyborad animation
Ideas - Keep it simple
- Have a workable concept with realist plan
- Try the 25 word pitch of the lift pitch
- At all stages from everyone
- Keep records
- take notice and response
- People, place, props, costumes,
-Rehearse and prepare
-Have contact details for all invalid
-Get it done
-Practice with what you have
Production-Always shoot extra
-Start with the big picture
-Organise your material before editing
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Reebok Advert featuring 50 cent- Wigley
Monday, 18 October 2010
Dominant/Alternative Representations- Bush
The advert was produced by Nike, a world wide company which produces products for Men, Women and Children.
In this advert the social group which appears is women.
This advert has both dominant and alternative representations. The alternative representation is the girl street/break dancing. This is alternative because we as a society normally associate this genre of dancing to boys and men, however in this advert a girl is doing it and is just as good as if a boy was to do it. This representation was a positive representation as it goes against the normal stereoptyical views of a girl. This representation was most likely chosen to sell the Nike product to girl, but it also connote equality which would show that the brand Nike is a non sexiest brand.
The audience can relate to this advert because of maybe their gender to begin with. They may feel that because a female can do dancing like that they are more equal to males. Also they could relate to advert through their interests, some girls are interested in dancing and may take it up themselfs. Another way to relate to this advert may be through their social class. Nike is a more of a middle class/ working class brand so girls may feel that they can afford the Nike products and look just as good as the girl in the advert.
The advert was produced by Lynx deodorant, which is specifically design just for men.
This advert is a dominate representation by having lots of women following him shows the dominant ideology because it sticks to the belifs of women chasig after men. The representation of this was postive towards men but negative towards women as they are shown as a subornat group.
Banned Adverts-Wigley
I believe that this advert was banned from TV because of the violence and horror it contained. This advert was for a the company Nike which is a family brand. Therefore by having such horrifying scenes it would have scared their target audience.
Also this advert would have been shown during the day time hours, this would have meant that a younger audience would have been watching therefore frighting them.
I do think that the advert should have been banned because I felt quite scared and threatened by the advert and I don't think that the message got across, it only scared me.
This advert was banned because of it explicit language. What made the advert worse was that a young child aged at around 7-9 was using it. If this was shown on TV it would have connoted to younger children that it is ok to use this word and also as the girl picked it up from her father the young audience watching the advert would have picked the word up and started using it.
I think that this advert should have been banned because if it wasn't that would have meant younger kids would start to swear and use the language used in the advert.
This advert was banned because of it stereotypical view on a social group. The social group being blonde's, and society view being that blond are "dumb, stupid bimbo's"
I do think the adverts should have been banned because of the way it represented the girl. After watching this people may have negative attitudes towards this particular group
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Media Awards Analysis-Bush
by Shaurav, Nick, Raheam, Vivek-Best sound track
by Bilal, Bianca and Asha- Best movie trailer