Research on Film Noir
Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. Film noir had a distinct style, with shadow-filled low-key lighting. Night ruled in film noir, the shadow more important than the light. To get a good shadow, you need a small intense light. This is called hard light. You can create hard light with a small, very intense lighting fixture. Film noir uses more light to get solid crisp blacks and stark whites. These films were mainly made in the US and Germany around the time of the depression. Which was a time of poverty, crime which a lot of these film include in them.
Still Image
This picture uses flier light the uses of using this is it helps to soften the shadow and makes the picture more clear. It allows the audience to see clearly whats going on in the picture without the mess of the shadows getting in the way. Also I believe that there is use of top lighting, the use of this allows us to see the features of the characters and pick out certain details of them. For example the use of the props the gun in the female characterss hand. You wouldn't have normally seen it but because of the lighting it cast a light shadow over her hand and we see it, its done very discretely, this effect makes us sense she is the fem fetal. Also the fact that woman's face is half in the dark we can connote from this that she has a evil/ dark side. Also the fact that half her face is in the life we can connote that she was seen by other characters as an innocent/ loving woman's
Short Extract
The use of low key lighting connotes mystery. Its a really busy setting and background in the dark, at night which is actually quite bazaar because you would expect people to be in their homes and asleep. The dark lighting on the police officers connotes they aren't to be trusted and that the fact that no one is listening to them connotes that the police have no control over this place . At the end we see a car that been lit on fire and thrown to the ground. The lighting around this is all dark and the only light we get is from the fire that's from the car. I believe a lot of top lighting is used to because a lot shadow can be seen around the areas. This connotes a lot of mystery and secrecy
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