The distinctive still image i found was a movie poster of a film called Alma. The mise- en- scene suggest to us serval different things. The setting as you can see has snow around it, suggest that the film will be set in a cold area. From the poster we can see the setting is outside because of the pavment crubs, however the girl seems to be writing on a black borad which would only be found in classrooms. This connotes other settings in the film. Also the snow also connotes to us coldness, which connotes lonelyness. This tells the audience that the film is going to have themes of sadness and isolation.
Also the type of clothing (Costume) that the girl in the poster is waaring, suggests this because we would only asociate these clothing with wintriness.
The chacaters pose is turned against the audience, so we can not see her face. This connotes serectcy and conntes to the audience that there is more to this little girl, therefore it is a way of achoring the audience into watching the film.
The lighting on the poster is quite dark and dull. This creates the an intense atmosphere and creates suspense, also it connotes the mystery in the film.
In this scene of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows the lighting is extremely dark and there is very little light apart from the fire in the back ground. This has been done so a bad, intense atmosphere. Its is done because this is a meeting between the villain of the film and his follows to show that it is a very important meeting and the fact that they are planning something evil. Also the connotations of darkness mostly negative. Darkness is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery, which all so these qualities are found in the villain.
Between the second 0.03 to 0.15 the fair place can be seen, with a lit fire. The fire connotes war, danger, pain. So the fire is able to emphase the villain and his follows personalities, also it gives a scary image about the scene.
The costumes that the actors are wearing are all black. The connotations of black are death and evil. Also because they are all wearing the same it shows that they are together, an untied front, even though it’s an evil one.
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